April 14, 2009

James Michener and funny mail ladies

Posted by Molly:
Here's an excellent James Michener stamp that I received from my homeowner's association, announcing their next meeting and all sorts of other bureaucratic stuff.

And I have to tell you about the funny mail lady that I ran into this weekend. I stepped up to the counter with a card to Rebecca in London, and I'd positively plastered the envelope with stamps because according to my (apparently incorrect) calculations on the usps.com website, international postage to England would cost me something in the neighborhood of $2.50 in stamps. Considering how many pretty and interesting stamps I have in my arsenal of postage, I was more than happy to stamp away.

"Does this have enough postage on it?" I asked her.

She laughed and said, "Girllllll, it has enough postage on it to fly itself to London."

And then she thanked me for my generous contribution.


  1. That's so awesome! I can't wait to see those stamps. I too went to the post office today, thinking I would get a nice stash of stamps so I can just pop things in the mail whenever I want. No pretty stamps for me though, a page of boring one-colours ones. Sorry guys!

  2. I was hoping to find some of the Edgar Allen Poe stamps today, no luck. I ended up with Alaska Statehood ones.
